What some of our clients have to say...
Lutheran Social Services of South Central Pennsylvania
“We engaged Cathy and Jack as business consultants to help us determine the viability of providing geriatric care management services in our service area. We found them to be knowledgeable, easy to work with and extremely helpful in improving our understanding of the service. Their top qualities were great results, expertise and high integrity.”
Terry Shade, Vice President, Community Health Services, Lutheran Social Services of South Central Pennsylvania, and Executive Director, Lutheran Home Care & Hospice, Inc.
SelfHelp New York
"Cathy and Jack provided us with hands-on strategic planning and operational support in expanding our private eldercare management services. Their strategic planning, financial analysis, and practical implementation translated our goals to a functioning care management operation."
Russ Lusak, Vice President of Administration, Selfhelp New York
Fedelta Care Solutions
“I highly recommend Cathy Cress. Cathy has served as a business consultant to Fedelta Care Solutions for the past two years in the capacity of consultant, trainer and presenter. As a result of Cathy's services, my organization has established a successful geriatric care management practice and developed strong management practices, which lead the industry. Additionally, Cathy has partnered with my company to speak on various geriatric topics presented to the professional and clinical audiences which have resulted in an open invitation for return visits to the Seattle area. Cathy is a consummate professional who is truly a pioneer in our industry.”
Steve Meyer, CEO Fedelta Care Solutions, Greater Seattle Area
California State University Monterey Bay
“As the President of the Board for the Health Projects Center in Santa Cruz, California, I requested that we invite Cathy to consult in the development of a for profit senior care business line that HPC was considering. Her expertise was invaluable and helped HPC develop a comprehensive strategy to enter the senior care management market. She brought significant levels of experience and insight to the conversation. Her ability to communicate with the Board was critical to board decision making.”
Tom McKay Ph.D., RN, Assistant Professor & Director of Nursing, California State University Monterey Bay
California State University Fullerton
“Dr. Newquist's consultation and guidance to the California State University Fullerton Institute of Gerontology has been immeasurable in the formulation of the CATLab (Cultivating Autonomy through Technology Laboratory) focused on assistive technology to keep elders in their homes as long as possible. Bringing together diverse multidisciplinary faculty, her expertise and knowledge made a significant impact in allowing the team to identify problem areas and future direction by honing in on the significant issues.”
Pauline Abbott, PhD, Director, Institute of Gerontology, California State University Fullerton